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Available switch actions

Every switch responds to a Yetto event with an action. An action might be something external, like an HTTP call, or something internal, like applying labels. Actions power the automations behind switches.

Each action behaves a little differently and may require other object properties to work. The actions available for your switches and their requirements are described below.

HTTP request

The http_request action requires a to: url object and a with: method object. The url is the target of the http request and the method is the http method to use when sending the data. As an example:

  "name": "Send to server",
  "uses": "http_request",
  "to": {
    "url": ""
  "with": {
    "method": "GET",
    "headers": [
        "RECEIVER-HEADER": "expected_value"

The name property is optional, as is headers. We send Yetto specific headers with the request, but you can send additional headers if you want to use them for your own validation.

Additionally, you can specify what data you want to receive by including a with: body object. If you don't include that, we'll send the relevant payload for the event (the message payload for a message.created event, for example). However, if you include a with: body object, we will send that instead of the default payload. For example:

  "name": "Send to server",
  "uses": "http_request",
  "to": {
    "url": ""
  "with": {
    "method": "GET",
    "body": {
      "some": "thing",
      "message_id": "{{ }}"

The above switch will send the body defined in the JSON object rather than the message payload that Yetto would normally send for a message.created event.

Assign conversation

The assign_conversation action adds and removes assignees from a conversation. It requires either an add object or a remove object, or both. These must be arrays of strings with the handles of the organization members you want to assign or unassign. The remove object can be a string, rather than an array, if it includes only the asterisk character ("*"). This will remove all assignees from a conversation before adding any of the members in the add object array. For example:

  "uses": "assign_conversation",
  "with": {
    "add": [

Apply labels

The apply_labels action adds and removes labels from a conversation. It requires either an add object or a remove object, or both. These must be arrays of strings with the names of the labels you want to add or remove. The remove array can include "*", which will remove all labels from a conversation. For example:

  "uses": "apply_labels",
  "with": {
    "add": [

Here, we're using the apply_labels action to add the bug.urgent label when an event triggers the switch.


If you have AI features enabled, you can use the summarize action to summarize a message. summarize takes one argument: scope.This can be either first_message or public_thread. scope determines whether only the first message in a conversation is summarized, or, if the entire public conversation should be summarized.

To enable AI features:

  1. Go to your organization settings page at[organization name]/settings.
  2. Click on Content references in the left sidebar.
  3. Click Enable AI features.

You can also incorporate content references into the summarization. To learn more about how to do that, see "Enabling content references."


autoreply is an action which automatically creates a new message on a conversation. It takes two properties:

  • visibility: either public or internal
  • text_content: this is the body of the message content

For example:

  "uses": "autoreply",
  "with": {
    "visibility": "public",
    "text_content": "Hello. We will get back to you soon.",

Set conversation state

If you need to change the conversation state, you can use the set_conversation_state action. It takes one property:

  • state: either open or closed

For example:

  "uses": "set_conversation_state",
  "with": {
    "state": "closed"