The overview page for every inbox is the metrics page. As we make note of in the Yetto flow, these numbers are intended to give you a sense of activity within an inbox, and are not a commentary on your performance. That's for management; we think you're doing great.
We've broken down each category of the metrics below. Note that metrics are not real-time, and are calculated on a four-hour delay.
Most Active Labels
The first section of information on this page is "Most Active Labels" and it contains two lists, the first being the most commonly applied labels in the last 24 hours, and the second being the most commonly applied labels in the last 7 days.
My Stats
What you'll see in this section is the most commonly used metrics related to the user who's currently logged in, no one else. Use it the way this data is intended to be used, as a way of thinking and communicating about the work you're doing and understanding how it fits in to the broader work your team is doing.
Inbox Stats
This shows the number of conversations created in the last 24 hours, the number of conversations created in the last week, and the median time that every open conversation in the queue has been open. Additionally, you'll see indications of how much that has either increased or decreased over that time period. Use this to get a quick sense of the inbox's health and where you may need to jump in.