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Installing and Updating a Jira plug

Installing a Jira plug

If you want to send messages to and receive messages from Jira, you'll need to install the Jira plug onto your inbox first.


Make sure you're a Jira administrator before following the installation steps. Only Jira administrators can install plugs onto a Jira site.

Also, a single Jira administrator can only install the Jira plug on five different projects. If you need to install the plug in more than five projects, you must have a separate administrator do so. (This is Jira's policy, not ours!)

Lastly: you will need an Epic issue within your Jira project. All Yetto communication will occur within this Epic as Subissues. We may waive this requirement in the future and have all Yetto communication exist as top-level Issues. Give us your feedback at!

Next steps

  • Head over to your inbox ([organization]/inboxes/[inbox]).
  • Go to the "Settings" tab in the inbox navigation bar, then click on "Plugs" ([organization]/inboxes/[inbox]/settings/plugs).
  • Click on the "Install" button in the Jira row to install the Jira plug.
  • You will be sent to a Jira authentication page to approve Yetto's access.
    • If you are not already signed into Jira in your current browser, you will be asked to sign in.
    • Once signed in, you'll be asked to approve Jira's access to your account.
    • Click "Accept"
  • Select which Jira site you want this Yetto inbox to access.
  • Select which Jira project within that site you want this Yetto inbox to access.
  • Select which Jira epic within that project you want this Yetto inbox to access.
  • Click "Finish installing plug".

Updating a Jira plug

Follow the same steps as installing the Jira plug to change the Jira team it is connected to.

Communicating between systems

Due to the requirements of the Jira app, conversations from Yetto into Jira will appear as authored by the Jira administrator who approved the installation.

To avoid any confusion, we recommend creating a Jira "bot" account whose sole responsibility is to approve OAuth apps in your Jira site. Then, any issue or comment created by Yetto will appear as authored by this bot user--not your human co-worker!