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Defining roles and permissions for your members

Permissions determine which actions a Yetto user, plug, or API client can perform on Yetto. They generally come in three categories:

  • read, meaning, the user can see the resource
  • write, meaning, the user can modify the resource
  • admin, meaning, the user can destroy the resource

For example, a user with the permissions public_messages:read and internal_messages:write will only be able to write internal comments in Yetto (but, they can read all other messages).

Roles allow you to group permissions together into categories. This means you can assign people (or entire teams of people) to a specific set of permissions.

Creating roles

To create a new role:

  • Go to your organization page ([organization]).
  • Click on the "Settings" tab in the navigation bar.
  • Click on the "Roles" menu item, then click New role.
  • Enter a name for your new role in the text field. Optionally, add a description.
  • In the Permissions section, select the read, write, and admin roles you'd like the role to have.
  • When you're finished, click Create Role.

Assigning roles

To grant a member a new role:

  • Go to your organization page ([organization]).
  • Click on the "Settings" tab in the navigation bar.
  • Click on the "Members" menu item.
  • Find the member whose role you'd like to change, then choose their new role from the dropdown.