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Creating labels

Labels in Yetto are hierarchical. You can have a status label with options for status.on_hold, status.waiting, and any others that your team needs. Each label can have any number of parents and children to make them as detailed or as broad as you want for the way you and your team operate. You can read a little about how they can be used in this blog post about statuses.

To get you started, we give each inbox a handful of default labels that we think will be generally useful for most support teams. They are:

  • bug
  • documentation
  • documentation.reference
  • feature-request
  • feature-request.planned
  • feature-request.wontfix
  • status
  • status.solved
  • status.solved.bugfix
  • status.solved.workaround
  • status.solved.user-error
  • status.waiting-on
  • status.waiting-on.product

Add a new label to an inbox

  1. Go to the inbox settings page at[organization name]/inboxes/[inbox name]/settings.
  2. Click on "Labels" in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on "Add label +" in the upper right.
  4. Enter the label text and an optional description in the modal that pops up.
  5. Click "Create label".

Add a new child to an existing label

  1. Go to the inbox settings page at[organization name]/inboxes/[inbox name]/settings.
  2. Click on "Labels" in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on "Add label +" in the Children column of the label you want to add a child to.
  4. Enter the label text and an optional description in the modal that pops up.
  5. Click "Create label".

Add a new parent to an existing label

  1. Go to the inbox settings page at[organization name]/inboxes/[inbox name]/settings.
  2. Click on "Labels" in the left sidebar.
  3. Click on "Add label +" in the Parents column of the label you want to add a parent to.
  4. Enter the label text and an optional description in the modal that pops up.
  5. Click "Create label".